In the world of Max Climbing, we do not only work out specifically for climbing. A lot is to be gained from strength training besides improving your climbing game. For one, it is important to keep your body in balance. Secondly, strength training will make you stronger and perform better at multiple sports. Scroll down to learn more on how to use these bodyweight training tools.
Balance your body, training for climbers
Climbers are often imbalanced if it comes to relative muscle strengths. The agonists, which are the muscles used when climbing, are mostly way stronger than their opposing antagonist, which are the muscles that work against the agonist. A common example here is the strength of the Bicep versus the lack of strength of the Tricep. This is simply caused by the fact that climbers, when climbing, use the bicep way more. This strength imbalance causes multiple negative effects such as bad posture, injuries and loss of flexibility. Check out our blog about this topic.
Let us fight these imbalances one by one:
Bicep (arm flexor) versus tricep (arm Extensor)
Time for some arm training! Increase tricep strength with the suspension trainer and gymnastic rings. Explained on the product pages
Pectoralis (Chest muscle) versus Rhomboid (back muscles)
Develop those back muscles with the suspension trainer. Check out the product page for more info.
Latisimus Dorsi (pull arms downwards) versus Trapezius and Deltoids (arm lifters)
The suspension trainer is your friend for training the Deltoids, the gym rings will help you to strengthen the Trapezius.
Fore arm flexors versus fore arm extensors
Fore arm extensors can be trained with the elastic bands. find out how on the product page. These bands are also perfect climbing warm up tools.
Full body work out, for humans
- Upper body training coming soon
- Core training coming soon
- Grip-strength training coming soon